Appendix D


AcronymFull meaning
ACCompanion of the Order of Australia
ACCOAboriginal Community Controlled Organisation
ACMSAustralian Child Maltreatment Study
ALRCAustralian Law Reform Commission
AMMember of the Order of Australia
AOOfficer of the Order of Australia
CASACentre Against Sexual Assault
CPCCounselling and Psychological Care
DFFHDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
DJCSDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
DPRDirect Personal Response
FOIFreedom of Information
FVRJFamily Violence Restorative Justice service, Department of Justice and Community Safety
KCKing’s Counsel
LGBTIQA+Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual
MPMember of Parliament
NOCSNational Office for Child Safety
OAMMedal of the Order of Australia
PALPolicy Advisory Library, Department of Education
PSMPublic Service Medal
PROVPublic Records Office Victoria
PTSDPost-traumatic stress disorder
RSSRedress Support Services
SAMHSASubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMSNSurvivors & Mates Support Network
SCSenior Counsel
SECASASouth Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
VACCHOVictorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
VAPVictims Assistance Program, Department of Justice and Community Safety
VITVictorian Institute of Teaching
VLRCVictorian Law Reform Commission
VOCATVictims of Crime Assistance Tribunal
